How It Works

The world’s smartest online solution that links students to employers in a universal forum that educators can control.

The Student Pathway to Success


Integrated Learning Placement


One Integrated Data Source

One integrated data source gives all users straightforward and accurate information flow. Coordinators receive full visibility and control for all actions between users. Enabling simple and accurate reporting and creation of outputs for all users

Employer’s Process Simplified

Employer’s involvement in the process is simplified. Minimizing and automating paperwork whilst virtually eliminating reporting to the Educational Institution.

Growth and Reliability

By buying into InPlace you will receive Industry sourced enhancements available to all users, up to date technologies & a commitment from InPlace to strive and continue the growth of the most functionality rich product for placement management

Visibility and Control with Everything Online

InPlace supports all steps in the placement process. From arranging placements to administering the assignment including defining requirements, reviewing applicants to total payment management is fully on-line

Single Placement Tool

Single placement tool across the university minimizes training requirements and decreases maintenance costs with the one system to support. Helping to increase collaboration within the university and with employers, supporting cohesion through encouraging the best possible practices by using one common solution

Best Practice

Our industry sourced knowledge drives how to best manage integrated learning from product design through to deployment, helping to increase collaboration within the university and with employers, supporting cohesion through encouraging the best possible practices by using one common solution.

Enhance the Student Experience

Improve the student experience with better outcomes through a more tailored and involved solution. As everything is done online and becomes much easier to manage, the student benefits through more involvement in the placement program and comprehensively better results both directly and indirectly. Contact us for a presentation to see more on this.

Manage All Forms of Workplace Learning in the One Powerful Solution

Placement management is an incredibly complex process with an extremely diverse set of requirements that varies significantly. Utilising the best in modern software technology and best practice within the business requirement, InPlace offers sophisticated features to deliver all requirements and many value adds to all types of users.

Curriculum Placements

Clinical Placements

Work Experience


Industry Projects


Graduate Placements

International Opportunities

Coordinators, Administrators & Faculties

Staff portal for coordinators is dynamic and configurable for any user profile.
Boasting many sophisticated features designed to make the life of the Placement Manager easier.

Flexible Tailored Solution

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model equips our clients with a centrally hosted system.

100% responsive web design. Automatically adjusts for widescreen and tablet for users.

Scalable to any enterprise size, and configurable for all placement models, disciplines, and student cohorts.

Continuous feature innovation and software improvement.

Professional support from our leading consultants includes best practice guidance, customised training, troubleshooting.

Mobile-first designed student user interface, optimised for Android and Apple IOS.

Why InPlace?

InPlace Software offers the most comprehensive and customisable enterprise solution to efficiently streamline the student placement process for Higher Education and their workplace clients.

InPlace Software

InPlace Software is wholly owned by QuantumIT. We’re all about delivering better business outcomes through smart solutions.
As an independent software company our people, intellectual property and methodologies make it happen.

Terms of Use

Please read the Acceptable Use Policy carefully as it applied to your use of any services provided by QuantumIT Pty Ltd.

Copyright © 2025 – InPlace Software by QuantumIT. All rights reserved.

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Nottingham Trent University Partners

Climbing The League Table Through Smart Co-Operative (Work Integrated) Learning

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UTA’s Clinical Graduate Nursing

The Transition of UTA's Clinical Graduate Program to a Digital First Approach