Case Study

Revolutionizing Placement Systems for Enhanced Efficiency, Experience, & Security for Hibernia College

How Hibernia College Leveraged InPlace Software to Revolutionize the Placement & Evaluation Process for 3,500 Students

Updating Placement Systems

Hibernia College, a leading provider of innovative and flexible programs for graduate, postgraduate, and professional learners in Ireland, manages thousands of teaching placements for students across Ireland each year. These placements play a vital role in the practical education and learning experience of aspiring teachers. Hibernia College wanted to enhance this process using technology and partnered with InPlace Software for a modern solution.

The Opportunity

Hibernia College offers a diverse range of educational courses with a strong emphasis on practice-based learning for regulated professions, including teaching and nursing. An integral part of each teaching student’s educational experience is the teaching placement and assessment. However, the College’s existing manual process for assessing student progress and ensuring their well-being on school placement posed several challenges for tutors and administrative staff.

To complete assessments, tutors needed to input, collate, and document observations for over 3,500 placements each year. These paper forms were completed and physically sent back to the College, where they were reviewed, sorted, and entered into legacy systems to be acted on. The process required both placement provider engagement and supervisor input. 

Finding a Solution

Dr. Mary Kelly, Academic Dean

InPlace has transformed the administrative processes associated with managing thousands of placements each year. Not only has it allowed us to communicate more effectively with students and tutors, but it has also helped mitigate against data risks. The real-time insights from reporting have enabled our academic teams to respond to issues as they arise, thus ensuring a better placement experience for all.  

To overcome these challenges and continue to provide a positive placement experience for all stakeholders, Hibernia College sought a technology partner capable of streamlining its processes. Their primary goals were to enhance efficiency and speed in the student observation process, enabling timely actions and improved student support during their placements. Additionally, they aimed to reduce their liability risk concerning GDPR compliance by centralizing student data within a secure system. 

InPlace Software emerged as the ideal solution to address these needs and transform Hibernia College’s placement process. 

Success for Hibernia College

Upon implementing InPlace Software, Hibernia College experienced immediate transformations across multiple areas, benefiting both staff and students alike.

Students' moderations are streamlined and now completed in a matter of days through InPlace’s web-based software.

Real-time access to the system allows for instant input of observation reports, resulting in higher reporting quality through reduced human error. Moreover, it significantly reduces the hours required to process forms.

School placement quality assurance processes are enhanced.

Notably reduced waste and environmental impact, as the need for thousands of physical documents has been eliminated.

Enhanced reporting functionality has enabled real-time data analysis.

The College can now closely monitor the execution of processes, including the timing of supervisor report submissions, allowing them to take prompt action when necessary, even outside regular working hours.

Centralized control and storage of student data within a single database has mitigated GDPR risk by allowing complete oversight and control of all the data the College stores for its students, supervisors, and placement providers.

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InPlace Software is wholly owned by QuantumIT. We’re all about delivering better business outcomes through smart solutions.
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