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InPlace Software

We welcome our new client – TAFE South Australia!

QuantumIT welcomes our new client – TAFE South Australia! With more than one million students having studied there since it was established in 1971, TAFE South Australia (SA) is one of the largest vocational education and training (VET) providers in Australia. Each year, TAFE SA receives more than 70,000 student enrolments

The institute attracts people from across the state as well as international students from over 70 countries worldwide, delivering training to students over 290 locations across South Australia.

Dedicated to providing relevant and accessible high-quality training to people from all parts of the State, TAFE SA is increasing collaboration with industry as it strives to offer courses, delivery models and career pathways demanded by South Australians.

Managing many complex processes with one system

The InPlace Team are delighted to be supporting TAFE SA in achieving their goals as they strive to streamline their processes and make the student experience even better. InPlace was selected as the software provider of choice due to its ability to support TAFE SA in many complex processes into one system – thereby improving collaboration and efficiency in the student placement process.

TAFE SA has deployed InPlace software across their nursing programs, to support the management of clinical training programs. Moving forward, TAFE SA plans to progressively roll out InPlace as a scalable enterprise platform to manage Work Integrated Learning across other disciplines and areas.

Some thoughts from the TAFE SA team

Amanda Cruse, Placement Administrator has led the deployment of the workplace learning program, and felt positively about the experience:

“Being involved in the project assisted me greatly with my knowledge of the system and the capabilities it presents to streamline manual processes. Moving forward I am excited at the possibilities the system allows for continual improvement within the nursing program and wider TAFE SA, to enhance the student placement experience.”

We look forward to working with TAFE SA to improve their students’ Work Integrated Learning experience.


St. Clair College Selects InPlace Software

Announcement – St. Clair College Go LiveSt. Clair College (Ontario, Canada) manages an extensive Experiential and Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) program that touches on a broad

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