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Articles, announcements, and major releases from the InPlace Team.

Cost Manager

Handling placement costs with InPlace

For many Placement Coordinators working in higher education institutions, a common overhead is the management of student placement costs.


Highlights from Australia’s 2018 National User Group Conference

On 13th and 14th August 2018, Deakin University hosted the 7th annual Australian InPlace National User Group Conference, with great support from the University of New England, Charles Sturt and James Cook Universities. The main focus for this year’s conference was peer-to-peer learning and user experience.


Managing industry experience opportunities for students: Post 2

Placement Coordinators play a key role in the everyday mechanics of securing students with industry experience. From sourcing the most relevant internships/placements, to managing interviews and offers between employers and students, the end-to-end process heavily relies on them.


InPlace Privacy Management

In light of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) introduced by the European Union on 25th May 2018, we’re pleased to announce that we’ve released InPlace Privacy Management.

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Realize Vision For Business Success

5 Issues With Student Clinical Work Placements And How To Tackle Them

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Nottingham Trent University Partners

Climbing The League Table Through Smart Co-Operative (Work Integrated) Learning

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UTA’s Clinical Graduate Nursing

The Transition of UTA's Clinical Graduate Program to a Digital First Approach